The driving force and momentum behind OlympiaTech Electric is our dedicated team. We are truly powered by our people! Today, we are talking to Jessi Noble, our director of marketing and business development.
Describe your role at OlympiaTech in 10 words or less.
Relationship builder. Brand ambassador. Director of all things creative. The fun department!
How long have you been working at OlympiaTech?
It will be three years in June. Time flies when you’re having fun!
How long have you worked in the industry?
I’ve been working in commercial real estate, development, and construction since 2004, so 15 years.
How/why did you get started in the industry?
I started working for a commercial real estate company while I was finishing up my undergraduate degree in marketing. At the time, I didn’t know much about it, but I fell in love with the excitement of the industry and all the amazing people – I never looked back.
What are three words to describe OlympiaTech?
Focused on relationships.
What is your favorite part about working for OlympiaTech?
The people! I love my team and the clients I get to work with every day. The marketing and communications aspect of my job is also very fulfilling because I get free reign of creativity.
What has been your favorite project at OlympiaTech and why?
I have two favorites. The first is Hewing Hotel which was a conversion of a historic building in the North Loop to a boutique hotel. It was great to see how the integrity of the building was preserved while giving it new life and purpose. The second is The Hub on Campus Minneapolis, a 26-story residential tower on the UofM campus. It was one of the very first RFPs I put together when I first started at OlympiaTech and the job just finished up last fall after nearly two years in the making. It has been really fun to see a project that I was a part of come full circle from the very start of the bidding process through the completion of construction.
What’s one tool/resource/app you couldn’t live without?
It sounds cliché, but I would have to say my iPhone. It’s a computer, camera, communication tool, and calendar all in one. It’s basically a command center for my busy life. I can check and send emails, post to social media, order Chipotle for my team, keep track of my children’s hockey schedules in SportsEngine, and even watch the baby monitor when I’m away… As a working mom, it’s essential for staying organized and getting things done.
What’s one thing your co-workers and colleagues don’t know about you?
I can build a killer bloody mary bar! My garage fridge is always stocked with 10 different kinds of bloody mary mix and at least 25 different types of pickled garnishes from blue-cheese stuffed olives and marinated mushrooms to pickled carrots and asparagus.