As a woman-owned company, we are passionate about creating opportunities for women in construction and educating our youth about the many pathways and professions in the trades. As such, we are looking forward to participating in Women in Construction Week 2022.
Women in Construction Week provides an opportunity to share appreciation, celebrate diversity, and facilitate connections in the construction industry. This year’s them is “envision equity.” There are several events taking place locally in the Minneapolis / St. Paul market during the week of March 6 – 12, 2022. Here is a snapshot of the lineup:
- WIC Week Bingo
- WIC Week Opening Ceremony – Speed Mentoring
- Habitat for Humanity Build
- Beyond the Pink: Workwear for WIC
- Fabcon Precast Breakfast Tour
- Owning Your Destiny: Mapping Your Dreams & Making Them Come True
- Women in Construction: Industry Showcase & Happy Hour
- Southwest Light Rail Project – Rosie of the Rail – Panel & Networking
- Legal Webinar: Common Mistakes in Responding to EEOC Complaints
- Evolving into Leadership: Lead from the Inside Out
- The Power of Social Media
- Building in Community: Coffee & Networking Chat
- Recognizing Women of Color in Construction and the Build Environment
All of the events are free but space is limited so please register via Eventbrite to reserve your spot. Thanks to all of the event hosts, sponsors, speakers, and participants for making these events possible.